Who is this for?
Teach Yoga & Help People:
No matter your background or yoga experience, this course will meet you where you are and support you on your path to expanding your personal development and/or becoming a certified yoga teacher.
Deepen Knowledge & Practice:
You have already been practicing yoga and want to take your practice and knowledge of yoga to the next level.
Find Inner Peace & Connect:
You wish to explore the subtler and deeper level of awareness through practice of yoga asana, pranayama, meditation and yogic lifestyle.
What can I expect?
Miriam values hands-on experience over sitting through hours of lectures, which means you'll have the opportunity to put into practice what you're learning. Through group and partner practicals, individualized mentoring, you'll be living your yoga on and off the mat.
This registered 200-hour training does much more than deepen your yoga practice and help you develop as a teacher; it is a program intended to inspire transformation in your life. Through the study of asana, pranayama, lifestyle philosophy, ayurveda, anatomy and beyond, watch the changes unfold on and off your mat!
Date: Feb -November 2024
Immediate access to Miriam’s online yoga studio “Yoga for Life”, annual membership, value $390
20-class pass Mukti Yoga Centre, value $450

200-hour Grounded Wisdom Yoga Teacher Training
This is for you if you would like to deepen your inquiry, understanding and integration of the various physical and energetic layers of our bodies, breath and mind. Miriam has developed a comprehensive training methodology incorporating 27 years of yogic studies and over 18,000 hours of teaching yoga and meditation.
Within this life affirming and transformative training, you will become more confident and intuitive in your personal practice and teachings. You'll leave with the tools to connect deeply to your own inner wisdom and strengthen the ways you choose to live your life both on the mat and in the world.
200-hour graduates will be supplied with a 200 hour certificate of yoga study and teaching, qualifying graduates to apply for a provisional Yoga Australia membership should they choose to. This certificate coupled with a current first aid and CPR certificate will allow you to apply for professional teaching insurance. Once you are insured, you are legally qualified to teach yoga anywhere in the world.
Program Overview
The 200-hour Foundation Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) is divided into 20 training days, 2 days of training once a month. The remaining hours are 'non-contact' and completed in your own time with study and assessment.
Students must attend 90% of all contact hours to graduate and will be expected to make up any missed hours in their own time before receiving their certificate.
Students will participate in 20 non-contact hours of online anatomy lectures with Yoga Anatomy. Preliminary reading and assignments are to be completed prior to all lectures as well as journaling and self-reflection of your personal practice both at home and in studio classes.
For the 200-hour YTT you are required to attend 20 classes face-to-face as a part of this training to obtain a certificate of completion.
Payment Plan
- 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
- $4500
- Payment in full $4050, Save 10%
- Deposit 200-hour $750
Non-refundable, balance due 1 January 2024 - PAYMENT PLAN: Deposit $750 (non-refundable), $750 by 1 February, 6 x $500 (monthly) - Total $4500
- Register Now
Program Highlights
Miriam Van Doorn Teacher Training is compliant with all the guidelines set by Yoga Australia. YA has the highest standards to register a training course and needs the course leader to have a minimum of 10 years teaching experience and thousands of hours of training. Consequently, trainees can register themselves with YA after graduation.
Miriam limits the class size to a maximum of 10 students so you receive ultimate personal attention and create an optimal learning environment.
Each student will have an opportunity to have a one-on-one coaching session with Miriam. During this one-on-one, you will be provided invaluable feedback to nurture your own practice. More importantly, this gives you an opportunity to navigate the teaching path with someone who’s had experience and insight.
Throughout the course you will receive ongoing mentoring in a group and individual setting. Development and guidance of personal yoga practice, trainee teacher supervision, class assisting, and observation are foundations of this course.
For this we have partnered with Leslie Kaminoff, a leading author and educator in this field who delivers an engaging, interactive, insightful and relevant program in yoga anatomy. At the commencement of the training you will be given access to yogaanatomy.net where you will study applied yoga anatomy and physiology with Leslie Kaminoff as it relates to yoga asanas and pranayama. The online program equals 20 hours and is to be completed within the training.
This training is evidence-based, delivering the most recent research on each topic. Our therapeutic approach to the curriculum will enable you to collaborate with other health professionals when supporting your clients and students.
Over the 10 month period your own practice and reflection will guide your learning progress and insight. Ongoing committed self-practice and reflection in relation to course materials will become more important than ever.
Program Details
During this training you will gain all the tools to become a knowledgeable, authentic and effective yoga teacher. We also believe in the importance of a steady self-practice. As you practice, you will open your mind and your heart and this will bring you to higher states of awareness. From practicing, you will learn and understand your own body and will then be able to teach others.
You will learn
- The art of teaching
- Sequencing and theming
- Join a minimum amount of yoga classes during the training
- Observe a minimum amount of yoga classes during the training
- Work with other students on teaching assignments
- Chanting
- Life Integration of the practice of yoga
Asana, defined as “seat,” is the physical practice of yoga. Discover how to create a balance of effort and ease (sthira sukha) within every posture through the use of proper alignment, pranayama, bandhas, and intention.
You will learn
- Healthy alignment
- The physical and spiritual effects of bandha’s
- How to assist and adjust students in a pose
- Common injuries
- Contraindications
- How and when to make postural modifications
- Benefits of a posture
- Modifications and beneficial postures for prenatal students
- Hands-on assists and adjustments
Pranayama can deepen an asana practice, be used as a tool for dealing with depression and anxiety, and can be beneficial in many other circumstances off the mat.
You will learn
- About the muscles that aid the respiration process
- The background and theory of pranayama
- How and when to practice various pranayama techniques
- How and when to teach these techniques
- Several meditation techniques
- Research how meditation works within the brain by diving into research studies
- Establish and maintain a regular meditation practice
As a teacher you will have a different relation with students than when you are a student yourself. Effective communication on and off your mat will help you filling in this new role. Moreover, it can also help you build a loyal group of students around your classes. Since you study to become a teacher learning about the business side of teaching will help you grow as a professional.
Learn how to manage pregnant students in a Vinyasa class by understanding the pregnancy stages, what to do/not to do, asana modifications etcetera.
We will explore the physical body in a very practical way and will stimulate visual and active learning. Learn how the body moves and how to adapt a practice for various physical particularities. An understanding of anatomy can also greatly transform your personal practice.
You will learn
- Introduction to the anatomy of the human body
- Physiology of the human body
- Muscular-skeletal system
- Nervous system
- Respiratory system
- Reading bodies
- Modifications in postures
- Common injuries and other physical constraints
- Understanding proper use of props and modifications
We will introduce you to the subtle bodies, helping you to understand the benefits of yoga.
- Introduction to the Chakra System
- Nadis and Prana
- Mudras
- Koshas
- Mantras and Chanting
- Development of physical, intellectual, & emotional intelligence
Throughout this program, some of the philosophies relating to yoga will be explored through discussions, experiments, reading, and writing. Additionally, we will dive into practical philosophy as it relates to your practice, teaching, and life off the mat. Challenge your reductive views of self and other, inspire inclusivity in your life, and invite transformation of thought and action.
You will learn
- History of yoga
- Sanskrit
- Styles of yoga
- Discuss Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali
- Discuss the first 6 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita and discover how to translate them into your yoga off the mat
- Study the eight-limbed path of yoga
The word “Ayur” comes from the Sanskrit word “Ayuh” meaning life and “Veda” can be translated as wisdom or knowledge. So basically, Ayurveda means “the knowledge of life”. In its essence Ayurveda provides you with the knowledge of who you are and how to live your life in harmony. For this you need to understand your own mind-body personality (dosha) and Ayurveda gives you the key to this understanding. On top of that, it is the first ever recorded system of healing the physical, mental and energetic body. Fundamentally, it is giving each individual the personal tools to live a balanced and fulfilled lifestyle.
February: 3/4
March: 2/3
April: 6/
May: 4/5
June: 1/2
July: 6/7
August: 3/4
September: 31 Aug/1 Sept
October: 5/6
November: 2/
Saturdays & Sundays : 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Lunch break 1 hour (lunch is not included)ADDITIONAL DAYS – ANATOMY COURSE & PRACTICE TEACHING SKILLS
A 20-hour online anatomy course is included in this curriculum and is obligatory. You can complete this course in your own time.
1. Carefully read the terms & agreements
2. Fill in the registration form online
3. You’ll receive a confirmation and invoice
4. Complete the (deposit) payment to secure your spot
5. You’ll receive a confirmation
6. You will receive more detailed practical information about the training
7. Start studying the reading material
Since we only take 10 participants, we advise to apply early. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Our email is miriamvandoorn@optusnet.com.au
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
- The Living Gita by Sri Swami Satchidananda
- Yoga Sutras – Dennis Hill
- The Key Muscles of Yoga – Ray Long
- Teaching Yoga: Essential Foundations and Techniques by Mark Stephens
- The Art & Business of Teaching Yoga by Amy Ippoliti.
- Attendance of all training modules
- Completion of required reading list and homework
- Passing grade of 75% of higher on take home final exam
Upon completing all requirements, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. With this they may apply for 200-hour Provisional membership with Yoga Australia.
Prior To Graduation, 200-hour YTT students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a thorough understanding and ability to teach asana, pranayama and meditation techniques.
2. Demonstrate a basic understanding of physical and subtle anatomy.
3. Demonstrate a basic understanding of various teaching methodologies, including safe and effective techniques for teaching a variety of yoga students.
4. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the principles and philosophy of yoga, including the 8- fold path, yoga lifestyle and spiritual aspects of yoga
Who is this course for?
This yoga teacher training program is for yoga students looking to deepen their practice, as well as those of you who are looking to teach yoga as a professional yoga instructor. We offer two streams of study, either 150-hour or 200-hour.
What will I need for the course?
We recommend the following to help support you during this course:
- Laptop or tablet
- Journal or notepad
- Writing utensils: sharpies, pens, pencils, highlighter
- Medium to large sticky notes (different colours)
- Yoga mat and props (optional)
Can I participate in this course if I’m not a seasoned yogi?
To attend the full 200-hour course we require a minimum of one year yoga practice. You may choose to attend the 120-hour course instead and continue to finish the rest of the course modules in the following year if you do decide to become a yoga teacher. However, creating accessible and inclusive experiences is a huge part of what we do and how we teach. Please talk to Miriam as each student’s case will be looked at individually.
Certification and graduation requirements 200 -hour YTT
Certification and graduation requirements 200 -hour YTT
- Complete all assigned homework
- Show a clear understanding of the foundation, postures and cues
- Demonstrate ability to support fellow trainees
- Participate in group discussions, practicums
- Submit pre-course homework assignments
- Attend schedule yoga classes and workshops
- Complete and pass 90-minute exam and design and teach a one-hour hatha yoga class
If trainee does not pass the above requirements, they will be required to submit a 30-minute video that demonstrates teaching a hatha yoga class with one or more students attending this class. Once reviewed and graded, student will be granted full certification. If student does not pass, they have the opportunity to retest.
What can I do with my certification once I complete the course?
You will hold the ability to apply for yoga teaching jobs at studios, gyms, retreat centres, corporate opportunities, private clients, and starting your own business. Certification will also give you piece of mind with regards to the ability to get insurance and the wealth of knowledge you'll gain during your time in the program.
Can I take this course if I have already completed another 200 Hour Yoga Training course?
Yes! If you’ve already completed a yoga teacher training course – this is a great addition to your yoga teacher training or simply a great refresher if you took one several years ago. You’ll receive valuable yoga books, information, and video content to add on to your previous training.
Payment Options
Your space in the program is reserved via a non-refundable deposit. Or you have the option to pay-in-full at time of booking. If you require a payment plan, please reach out via email or choose this option on the registration form at the bottom of the page. Payment is via secure payment through Stripe using your credit card details. Alternative bank transfers are available as well.
Name: Miriam Van Doorn
Bank BSB: 084 391
Account #: 248 074 388
Please put your name as reference
What course materials come with the program?
During the course, you will have access to on-line quizzes, recommended videos/podcasts. The leading teacher training manual is provided by Miriam Van Doorn and is included in the course price. All students are required to purchase the following required reading books:
- The Living Gita – Sri Swami Satchidananda
- The Key Muscles of Yoga – Ray Long
- Teaching Yoga: Essential Foundations and Techniques by Mark Stephens
- The Art & Business of Teaching Yoga by Amy Ippoliti.
Booking Policy:
Please note that a $500 (200-hour and 150-hour) non-refundable deposit is due at time of registration. This deposit is to secure your space in the program. If you register 30 days out from start date, full payment is due unless otherwise organized with our program director.
Please make sure to take time to read our policies and guidelines for registrations, booking, payments and completion of the program.
I understand that this teacher training course will be both physically and mentally challenging, and that I need to respect my body and it’s energy levels.
I understand that this teacher training course will be both physically and mentally challenging, and that I need to respect my body and it’s energy levels.
I understand that Miriam Van Doorn Yoga Teacher Training follows the curriculum guidelines of the Yoga Australia; and therefore, requires all participants to show up, participate, and commit 100% to the course. Students who give 100% will almost certainly graduate successfully. Full certification will be granted based on successfully completing: homework assignments, on-site practicals, marketing homework, graduation class presentation. If there is homework missing or we feel that the trainee needs more time for self-study, they will be granted a certificate of participation and have 3-6 months to complete assigned homework to receive full certification.
I understand that during the program, photos and video may be taken by staff and I grant Miriam Van Doorn and it's affiliates/program teachers and director the rights to use in any marketing material. I also understand that I will have access to any photos taken to use for my own personal marketing purposes and credit the appropriate avenues upon use.
I will conduct myself with compassion and consideration for my fellow trainees and teachers. I will not use any materials learned to create my own yoga teacher training programs or workshops unless otherwise discussed and granted permission from the program director, Miriam Van Doorn.
If the balance of the course fee is not received by the notified due date (minimum of 14 days prior to course commencement), a student’s place may be offered to someone on the waiting list. The student will forfeit the deposit paid.
If the balance of the course fee is not received by the notified due date (minimum of 14 days prior to course commencement), a student’s place may be offered to someone on the waiting list. The student will forfeit the deposit paid.
- If the student withdraws 14 days or more prior to course commencement the student will receive a full refund of all monies paid, minus the non-refundable deposit of $500.
- If the student withdraws 1 to 13 days prior to course commencement the student will receive 50% of the full course fee, minus the non-refundable deposit of $500.
- If the student withdraws once the training has commenced or on the day the training commences, the student will forfeit their right to a refund and any money paid is non-refundable.
Bank fees incurred by transferring money are the sole responsibility of the enrolling student.
Deferment of Course Policy
If circumstances arise that require a transfer from the course on which youhave a confirmed booking or have already commenced, you will need to supply us with a request in writing.
If a wait listed participant can fill your place then you may be able to transfer your course to another applicable course at a cost of $200. The transfer fee will be waived if full course fee payment is made at the time of transfer. This option is limited to one transfer only (after this, the regular refund policy
applies) and depends upon a case by case assessment of your situation.
If there are no wait listed participants to fill the space, or you have already commenced the training, the regular refund policy applies.
If a student is unable to complete the required training hours due to other extenuating circumstance to be determined by the Director of Training, that student may be granted an exception to complete incomplete classes and sessions in a future training without additional tuition, within 18 months.
Do you offer Level 2, 150-hour post graduate training?
Yes, we do. Click Here
What if am unable to complete the course?
Unfortunately, there will be no refund or exchange of services provided if you choose to drop out of the training or cannot continue for any reason.
If there is a significant lock-down - the training will be delivered via zoom or we may decide to postpone the course. If you have any questions or would like further clarification, please get in touch.
About Miriam
I have been practicing and teaching yoga for over 28 years. I initially studied Yoga-Chi Gung, then found Satyananda Yoga which taught me so much about Pranayama and Meditation, followed by Ashtanga Yoga and then my path took me to Pre and Postnatal Yoga, Cakra Yoga, Restorative and Yin Yoga, Meditation training and becoming a Doula! I love that the path of Yoga teaches us so much more than just the asana practice on the yoga mat, and I love sharing my knowledge with my students.
I teach my classes the same way I love to receive lessons: welcoming at all times, open to positive, transformative experiences. Aside from your unique individual experience attending my classes and feeling more open and gaining a broader perspective of your possibilities, you will also feel the magic of a group synergy as the energy in each class is uplifting, yet calming and balancing.
In pursuing Yoga Teacher Training with me, you truly become part of my family. That means I’m here to mentor and support you, not only during the course but also after you finish the course.
My pledge to you is to have your back, someone to talk to, give you advise or simply be a sounding board. Together, let’s embrace the next step on your yoga journey. Nothing is more rewarding for me than to see you succeed and blossom in your yoga practice.
I look forward to unlocking the power of your own inner teacher.
Blessings of Abundance and Joy,
Beautiful inspirational words
from Miriam’s students
What will you gain from this Yoga Teacher Training with Miriam
ॐ On a personal journey to strengthen your foundations and broaden your perspective in yoga.
ॐ On a professional journey to safely, competently and confidently teach yoga to others
ॐ Aspiring to create intricately woven yoga classes with depth and intention
ॐ Looking forward to work with a lifelong mentor and a supportive community