How to harness the full moon’s energy for maximum benefit

Each month it lights up the night sky in a stunning display of nature’s beauty, but did you know you can use the energy of the full moon to remain calm and reap significant rewards?

 When the moon is glowing full, the sun and the moon are on opposite sides of the Earth. The sun and moon are also in polar zodiac signs.

This can bring about more stress and tension, especially if you are running behind with work or projects, and can feel like your thoughts are running at a million miles an hour and your emotions running high.

The Yang-filled full-moon energy will bring a fulfilment to the intentions we might have set up during the new moon. You should be reaping the benefits of your intentions, however, if you do not make the space for this to happen then all your efforts may be fruitless.

Yoga and the full moon

The aim of our yoga practice during a full moon is to slow down and take it easy. A Yin Yoga or Restorative Yoga class would be favourable the day before and after the full moon.

Energy is high around the full moon. The gravitational pull of the earth encourages us to ground down and surrender. Savasana is perfect for this!

The full moon signifies a full expression of vitality, fertility, abundance, celebration and socialisation. Allow yourself to feel the vibrational energy and show gratitude for what you have achieved, no matter how small the achievement.

It is a time of fullness, completion, endings, and letting go.

Spend time in reflection

The light of the full moon helps illuminate those things that are holding us back and preventing us from moving forward in life. By becoming aware of the blocks and anchors within our lives, we can work on letting them go so we no longer feel as stuck.

The moon controls the ebb and flow of the Earth’s tides, which increases during full moon, and us humans, being 60-70 per cent water, also feel this energetic change. This can manifest as increased emotions, more intense feelings and erratic thoughts.

Allow the glow of the full moon to illuminate and bring awareness to all that is no longer serving you. Child pose, reclining butterfly, Viparita Karani (legs up the wall), lying down twist and Savasana are all beneficial poses.

 To optimise your full-moon experiences, incorporate pranayama into your yoga and meditation practice. Humming bee breath (Brahmari) is excellent to calm your mind, tune in, and ground your energy.

The right brain

The lunar cycle represents the divine feminine, so during our yoga practice, it’s important to move into the right brain, or the more intuitive and subconscious parts of ourselves. Author Michael Haupt in his book Masculine & Feminine, Left- & Right-Brained Thinking Compared, says the right side of the brain helps us to move into the, “creative, delicate, intuitive, nurturing…surrendering, synthesising, integrating, soft, feeling, and the part of us that “knows” without explanation.”

Try these additional resources to help you get the most out of your full-moon practice:

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