Simple Stretch Bundle

Simple Stretch Bundle


This bundle includes:

Simple Stretch - Twists

This yoga class is all about twists, helping to release tension from your back, shoulders and hips. We start with left nostril breathing - Chandra Bhedana) to calm and relax your nervous system and bring clarity into your practice today.

Simple Stretch - Shoulder Openers

A beautiful relaxing simple stretch where we go slow and connect with our breath to bring awareness to each and every moment - some shoulder release poses, warrior 2, twist, shoulderstand or legs up against the wall, diamond forward fold and a lying down twist before we come to rest in a deep savasana.

Full Moon Simple Stretch Flow

Experiencing a sense of heaviness and sluggishness during the Full Moon is common. While you may feel energetically elevated, you may also experience amplified emotions, yet lacking the sense of being grounded. This class brings balance, replenishes your energy and brings a sense of calm if you are feeling overwhelmed.

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